Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Please be praying about this effort to help Thai ministry leaders support themselves. When we come back from our next ministry assignment in the states we will be looking for a facility to rent and people interested in coming and doing this program. We believe it is a very important part of seeing churches multiply in Thailand.
Work-Study/Church Multiplication Program Proposal Draft
A proposal by Kennedy and Wendy Paizs
Bang Sak, Phang-Nga
Submitted to OMF Thailand for Approval and Facilitation
August 18, 2008
Goal: To create a church multiplication work-study program for Southern Thailand using a bi-vocational / holistic framework. Selected trainees learn Christian living, church-planting and business by apprenticeship in order to become a self-supporting church planter.
Rationale: Lack of finances hinder many Thai Christians from involvement in multiplying indigenous biblical churches in Thailand. This program seeks to remove this obstacle and release the potential of enterprising Thai Christians.
3 Main Areas Of Program
There are 3 main areas of focus in this program. 1. Church Multiplication Education 2. Spiritual Life Development 3. Business training for Self-Support (financially)
Church Multiplication. Church multiplication is the ultimate goal. The approach is one of “IBCM” with an emphasis on small groups as the key to evangelism. Meetings are held in homes and places of business for chronological study of the Bible and personal witness. Cell groups become effective means of worship and Bible study. These Bible studies would be geared to the participants needs.
Spiritual Life Development. A core value of the training is a focus on the spiritual life of the trainee. We will build character through assignments in different functions church work as well as participating in a one on one discipleship relationship. Christian leadership development will also be included.
Business Training. Business as mission training integrates evangelism and Christian living into the activity of earning a living. A spiritual leader can work to earn a living and be vitally involved with the community. Good business is a form of holistic witness. Intentional witness through business is a church planting methodology.
Components Of The Program
Trainee Applicants: A simple application process for young adult Thai single and married couples who have a heart for missions and to be self-supporting. Ideally, they should come with a church recommendation and basic skills needed for business. Trainees will have to pay a fee to enter the program. (not sure how much) At the conclusion of the training year, trainees are released without obligation. (Promising trainees might be invited to collaborate in an ACT sponsored strategy for Southern Thailand)
Integrated curriculum: The curriculum is apprentice based. Meaning we would have no “campus” (classrooms) but instead be training-based, a “learn as you work” type of training. Some seminars, such as the Jonathan training) will be used during the training time. These will special times of learning and retreat from the regular program, but they will not be the main focus. The time frame would be approximately one year. The training program does not guarantee work. It imparts skills. Graduates from the program are expected to begin church planting on their own.
Staff: This will be the main area of subsidy. There will be a limited number of staff because of this.
Staff Functions
We see 5 main roles. One person could cover more than one role.
Program Coordinator: Would be overall leader and coordinator.
Spiritual Life Supervisor: Discipleship, accountability and leadership training.
Church Planting Methods Supervisor: Use of small groups and methods of evangelism and community contacts. Prayer network, strategies and other components of IBCM that need to be addressed.
Business Supervisor: Oversee the training of business in creative, practical ways. This person will take people by the hand and get them started, then be a consultant and troubleshooter later on.
Practical Living Supervisor: Logistics for living, food, housing and supply organization.
General Oversight Committee:
Purpose: To serve as a governance body for this program. It will determine administrative policy for staff, admissions, budgets, problem solving and discipline.
Composition: Three to five persons independent of the program plus, the program coordinator and one other staff member.
Sponsorship: TEAM missionary support. Church sponsorship (West and East) OMF Thailand sponsorship via participating members or general conference decisions.
Mechanism: OMF Thailand to open an account for this program so funding may be received and distributed via an official channel. The General Oversight Committee would have responsibility for the management of this fund.
Work-Study/Church Multiplication Program Proposal Draft
A proposal by Kennedy and Wendy Paizs
Bang Sak, Phang-Nga
Submitted to OMF Thailand for Approval and Facilitation
August 18, 2008
Goal: To create a church multiplication work-study program for Southern Thailand using a bi-vocational / holistic framework. Selected trainees learn Christian living, church-planting and business by apprenticeship in order to become a self-supporting church planter.
Rationale: Lack of finances hinder many Thai Christians from involvement in multiplying indigenous biblical churches in Thailand. This program seeks to remove this obstacle and release the potential of enterprising Thai Christians.
3 Main Areas Of Program
There are 3 main areas of focus in this program. 1. Church Multiplication Education 2. Spiritual Life Development 3. Business training for Self-Support (financially)
Church Multiplication. Church multiplication is the ultimate goal. The approach is one of “IBCM” with an emphasis on small groups as the key to evangelism. Meetings are held in homes and places of business for chronological study of the Bible and personal witness. Cell groups become effective means of worship and Bible study. These Bible studies would be geared to the participants needs.
Spiritual Life Development. A core value of the training is a focus on the spiritual life of the trainee. We will build character through assignments in different functions church work as well as participating in a one on one discipleship relationship. Christian leadership development will also be included.
Business Training. Business as mission training integrates evangelism and Christian living into the activity of earning a living. A spiritual leader can work to earn a living and be vitally involved with the community. Good business is a form of holistic witness. Intentional witness through business is a church planting methodology.
Components Of The Program
Trainee Applicants: A simple application process for young adult Thai single and married couples who have a heart for missions and to be self-supporting. Ideally, they should come with a church recommendation and basic skills needed for business. Trainees will have to pay a fee to enter the program. (not sure how much) At the conclusion of the training year, trainees are released without obligation. (Promising trainees might be invited to collaborate in an ACT sponsored strategy for Southern Thailand)
Integrated curriculum: The curriculum is apprentice based. Meaning we would have no “campus” (classrooms) but instead be training-based, a “learn as you work” type of training. Some seminars, such as the Jonathan training) will be used during the training time. These will special times of learning and retreat from the regular program, but they will not be the main focus. The time frame would be approximately one year. The training program does not guarantee work. It imparts skills. Graduates from the program are expected to begin church planting on their own.
Staff: This will be the main area of subsidy. There will be a limited number of staff because of this.
Staff Functions
We see 5 main roles. One person could cover more than one role.
Program Coordinator: Would be overall leader and coordinator.
Spiritual Life Supervisor: Discipleship, accountability and leadership training.
Church Planting Methods Supervisor: Use of small groups and methods of evangelism and community contacts. Prayer network, strategies and other components of IBCM that need to be addressed.
Business Supervisor: Oversee the training of business in creative, practical ways. This person will take people by the hand and get them started, then be a consultant and troubleshooter later on.
Practical Living Supervisor: Logistics for living, food, housing and supply organization.
General Oversight Committee:
Purpose: To serve as a governance body for this program. It will determine administrative policy for staff, admissions, budgets, problem solving and discipline.
Composition: Three to five persons independent of the program plus, the program coordinator and one other staff member.
Sponsorship: TEAM missionary support. Church sponsorship (West and East) OMF Thailand sponsorship via participating members or general conference decisions.
Mechanism: OMF Thailand to open an account for this program so funding may be received and distributed via an official channel. The General Oversight Committee would have responsibility for the management of this fund.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
New cell groups and believers
Dear Friends,
It has been a great blessing knowing you are with us in this venture to plant churches in Thailand. Thank you for your years of support and prayer.
Here are some praises and prayer requests to share with you.
New believers: Our team has started new small groups in new neighborhoods. Already, some people have come to believe in Christ. They have expressed the desire to be baptized as well. Their names are Cheem, Lamyai and Lamyai’s adult daughter Nue. Lots of new children are also attending the small groups and the church services. As we have been teaching the Bible chronologically I have noticed Cheem’s younger kids are very sharp and understand the teaching better than the adults!
Prayer Request
Not to long ago we led a family to Christ and they were baptized. For a while it seemed they were growing and excited about their faith. But one day they cut us off and never came around again. They avoid us when we go to visit and don’t really want anything to do with God or us. It is because of why they came to believe and the fact that we did not deliver the things or money that they thought they should get. It had to do with politics of the neighborhood as well. If the husband claims Christ he will not win in local elections. Please pray for them. Their names are Ung and Saw. This is a very typical scenario here and it is very discouraging for everyone. God can change the heart, however. We want to be faithful to the truth and to love people. Pray we keep at it without discouragement.
More Praises
Office and computer room: It is finished! At least the computer room is. We have 2 computers up and running for people to learn on. The computer room is done. Bang Sak is a very small community and I have noticed young people show interest, but the interest wanes fast when they see it is actually going to take a bit of work! Pray that we can use this as a tool to make relationships and be a bridge for the Gospel.
Bi-Vocational ministry: Recently our Thai partner Chan, who is self-supporting and in ministry, met a man who has a tract of land that he plants rubber trees on. This man does not like Christians, but he invited Chan to come and plant pepper plants under his rubber trees. Chan took this from the Lord. Pray that Chan will have the chance to make friends with this man and produce a good crop of peppers to sell. He needs the income badly to support his family.
Please Pray
Chan’s Burning Bush Electric Repair is not making much money. Pray for Chan (our ministry partner) to be successful at finding more customers. Also, that when he meets people he would be brave enough to be a witness for Christ, too.
Our team: We are unified and working well together. We have opportunities to spend time with many people and share Christ. We have a plan of ministry that we all like.
Our team: Tanom and Krua are facing some very difficult trials with their rebellious 19 year old son. Pray for them as the work suffers because of his foolish decisions. Our Thai co-workers are always hurting for money. We give, others give, but are we helping the work in the long run? Who will do the work once we leave? Pray for local lay leadership to be raised up someday to take our place. We are praying for churches to multiply, based on Gods working.
Church planting: We are very blessed to be here in this work. We see God working despite all the barriers and drawbacks to cross-cultural ministry. We believe Thailand is more open to God than in any other era, and many are coming to Christ in all 4 regions.
Please Pray
Church planting: Some days are very discouraging and we feel the heaviness of spirit worship cloaked in Buddhism in this land most everyday. Pray that God would change this land. Pray no matter what “method” we use, we long to see the Holy Spirit open and change hearts to turn to Jesus. In the end we would love to see churches started naturally by Southern Thai people. Might not happen in our lifetime, but we believe it will happen in the plan and process of God. We are thankful to be a part of the whole process.
Personal Walk: We have to remind ourselves daily that we get our joy from God, not from the work. The ministry in Thailand is slow. It feels oppressive spiritually everyday as we look and see most people bowing down to idols. Thai people are satisfied with their cross between Hinduism and Buddhism, otherwise known as Theravada Buddhism. They like their idols. Many of them see Jesus as just another lucky charm religion.
Time in the USA: We will be home 3 1/2 months from Dec 4, 2008 to March 20, 2009. We have the goal of raising up a prayer network of at least 500 people who pray for us consistently and precisely. Pray we will have the discipline to maintain it and that people would join us in prayer for Southern Thailand. We have plans to visit many of you. We will soon be in contact arranging time and making travel plans. Pray that we will use our time well when at home. I hope to get some painting in while home and I'm looking forward to participating in an art show with my father-in-law. I have a dream to sell paintings some day and use the money for special ministry projects here in Thailand. Please pray I might see this come true as I produce art.
Thank you for all your love toward us all these years,
Kennedy and Wendy Paizs
For pictures concerning this update check out
Kennedy & Wendy Paizs TEAM MissionCheck out our blogs!
It has been a great blessing knowing you are with us in this venture to plant churches in Thailand. Thank you for your years of support and prayer.
Here are some praises and prayer requests to share with you.
New believers: Our team has started new small groups in new neighborhoods. Already, some people have come to believe in Christ. They have expressed the desire to be baptized as well. Their names are Cheem, Lamyai and Lamyai’s adult daughter Nue. Lots of new children are also attending the small groups and the church services. As we have been teaching the Bible chronologically I have noticed Cheem’s younger kids are very sharp and understand the teaching better than the adults!
Prayer Request
Not to long ago we led a family to Christ and they were baptized. For a while it seemed they were growing and excited about their faith. But one day they cut us off and never came around again. They avoid us when we go to visit and don’t really want anything to do with God or us. It is because of why they came to believe and the fact that we did not deliver the things or money that they thought they should get. It had to do with politics of the neighborhood as well. If the husband claims Christ he will not win in local elections. Please pray for them. Their names are Ung and Saw. This is a very typical scenario here and it is very discouraging for everyone. God can change the heart, however. We want to be faithful to the truth and to love people. Pray we keep at it without discouragement.
More Praises
Office and computer room: It is finished! At least the computer room is. We have 2 computers up and running for people to learn on. The computer room is done. Bang Sak is a very small community and I have noticed young people show interest, but the interest wanes fast when they see it is actually going to take a bit of work! Pray that we can use this as a tool to make relationships and be a bridge for the Gospel.
Bi-Vocational ministry: Recently our Thai partner Chan, who is self-supporting and in ministry, met a man who has a tract of land that he plants rubber trees on. This man does not like Christians, but he invited Chan to come and plant pepper plants under his rubber trees. Chan took this from the Lord. Pray that Chan will have the chance to make friends with this man and produce a good crop of peppers to sell. He needs the income badly to support his family.
Please Pray
Chan’s Burning Bush Electric Repair is not making much money. Pray for Chan (our ministry partner) to be successful at finding more customers. Also, that when he meets people he would be brave enough to be a witness for Christ, too.
Our team: We are unified and working well together. We have opportunities to spend time with many people and share Christ. We have a plan of ministry that we all like.
Our team: Tanom and Krua are facing some very difficult trials with their rebellious 19 year old son. Pray for them as the work suffers because of his foolish decisions. Our Thai co-workers are always hurting for money. We give, others give, but are we helping the work in the long run? Who will do the work once we leave? Pray for local lay leadership to be raised up someday to take our place. We are praying for churches to multiply, based on Gods working.
Church planting: We are very blessed to be here in this work. We see God working despite all the barriers and drawbacks to cross-cultural ministry. We believe Thailand is more open to God than in any other era, and many are coming to Christ in all 4 regions.
Please Pray
Church planting: Some days are very discouraging and we feel the heaviness of spirit worship cloaked in Buddhism in this land most everyday. Pray that God would change this land. Pray no matter what “method” we use, we long to see the Holy Spirit open and change hearts to turn to Jesus. In the end we would love to see churches started naturally by Southern Thai people. Might not happen in our lifetime, but we believe it will happen in the plan and process of God. We are thankful to be a part of the whole process.
Personal Walk: We have to remind ourselves daily that we get our joy from God, not from the work. The ministry in Thailand is slow. It feels oppressive spiritually everyday as we look and see most people bowing down to idols. Thai people are satisfied with their cross between Hinduism and Buddhism, otherwise known as Theravada Buddhism. They like their idols. Many of them see Jesus as just another lucky charm religion.
Time in the USA: We will be home 3 1/2 months from Dec 4, 2008 to March 20, 2009. We have the goal of raising up a prayer network of at least 500 people who pray for us consistently and precisely. Pray we will have the discipline to maintain it and that people would join us in prayer for Southern Thailand. We have plans to visit many of you. We will soon be in contact arranging time and making travel plans. Pray that we will use our time well when at home. I hope to get some painting in while home and I'm looking forward to participating in an art show with my father-in-law. I have a dream to sell paintings some day and use the money for special ministry projects here in Thailand. Please pray I might see this come true as I produce art.
Thank you for all your love toward us all these years,
Kennedy and Wendy Paizs
For pictures concerning this update check out
Kennedy & Wendy Paizs TEAM MissionCheck out our blogs!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
City Pillar of Surat Thani
The foundational sacrifice when establishing a city. It was general practice that human sacrifices were made when establishing the walls and gates of a city. The belief common at that time was that the ghost of the person who died violently would protect the city site. Tradition says that a pregnant woman would be regaled for
several preparatory days, and then ceremoniously thrown into the foundational hole, face up. The pole of planting was driven through the pregnant woman’s baby-in-the-womb, through
her own body, and into the ground, by public authorities. Thus, violent death, the blood of the baby, and the pregnant woman, forms the foundation of the City’s safety and prosperity.
The city pillar is the home of the guardian spirits, the defending demons. Those spirits must be venerated each year to avert their wrath.
Every major city of Thailand has a city pillar where it is said that the guardian of the city resides. This protective pillar is known as a lak muang. All these pillars are the locus of the spirit of the city, and the ceremonies are performed to maintain good relations with it. Offerings are made and ceremonies carried out to pay respect to the lak muang, in order to ensure the continued safety and prosperity of the city. Monks chant sutras at specific times around the pillar, and offerings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables are made to the spirit of the place.
Some excerpts taken from:
several preparatory days, and then ceremoniously thrown into the foundational hole, face up. The pole of planting was driven through the pregnant woman’s baby-in-the-womb, through
her own body, and into the ground, by public authorities. Thus, violent death, the blood of the baby, and the pregnant woman, forms the foundation of the City’s safety and prosperity.
The city pillar is the home of the guardian spirits, the defending demons. Those spirits must be venerated each year to avert their wrath.
Every major city of Thailand has a city pillar where it is said that the guardian of the city resides. This protective pillar is known as a lak muang. All these pillars are the locus of the spirit of the city, and the ceremonies are performed to maintain good relations with it. Offerings are made and ceremonies carried out to pay respect to the lak muang, in order to ensure the continued safety and prosperity of the city. Monks chant sutras at specific times around the pillar, and offerings of all kinds of fruits and vegetables are made to the spirit of the place.
Some excerpts taken from:
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mass Possession At School
Dozens of children became possessed at a Southern Thai school just a day or 2 ago. It was on Thailand's t.v. news, in Thai, not English, but not the internet news. I looked. It was probably considered too embarassing to the country. This is a phenomena that has happened before, in the early 1990's there were incidents of it in our neighboring province, just an hour or so away from here. The young children exhibited symptoms very like the thousands of adults during the annual Vegetarian Festival in Southern Thailand. It is held in October.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday night Cell Group
Here is a typical scene from one of our Friday night cell group dinners. We eat on the floor, Thai-style, of course.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Retreat in Kura Buri May 2008
Our team's Prayer and Planning Retreat in Kuraburi, about 45 minutes from here. This was having a meal at our resort.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Small Groups: We are doing small group meetings on Monday and Friday and meeting at the center on Sunday. These meetings are going slow. It seems that the folks interested have decided not to be interested anymore. Pray that God would work in their hearts and that we would continue to visit and talk to them. Some of them avoid us and have expectations that we can not fulfill that are just wrong. Pray we will be loving and patient with people who misunderstand because of Satan, or have bad motives for wanting to spend time with us.
Witnessing: Pray for the people we see on a weekly and daily basis in the community. We are talking, giving tracts and trying to love them. Pray they will open up to Christ and believe as we look for culturally appropriately ways to share our words and lives with them. Monday is the day we go out all day and look for people to talk to about Christ and foster relationships and pray for people. Pray that we would be bold with the Gospel.
Witnessing: Pray for the people we see on a weekly and daily basis in the community. We are talking, giving tracts and trying to love them. Pray they will open up to Christ and believe as we look for culturally appropriately ways to share our words and lives with them. Monday is the day we go out all day and look for people to talk to about Christ and foster relationships and pray for people. Pray that we would be bold with the Gospel.
Prayer and Planning retreat: These last few weeks we have been thinking through the future more carefully as a team. We took some time to remove ourselves from the daily work to pray and plan for 2 and a half days. It was a great time of seeking God and talking about what we would like to see happen in this area. We reestablished goals and reviewed our values. It was a great time to see what every one was thinking and to lay everything out on the table and see personal ministry goals and progress. In the end it was very encouraging to see unity and the unified vision and mission of our team. We ended up spontaneously sharing what we appreciated about each other. This was a real blessing because no one was asking, God made it a very special time for our team. In closing of our time we did the Lords super together and this was very special to me personally.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
No Money
It has been a real challenge lately for our Thai partners as they deal with loss of financial support. Tanom and Khrua's support ended, which was essentially what they lived on. Our language students packed up as a team and moved, which was essentially the bread and butter for 4 different folks of our team. So now they are praying and stressing. We are helping, but with 7 of them, we can only do so much. Two days ago Tanom & Khrua's kids Aa and Mee had a birthday party. I asked how they found the money to have the party, and Khrua told me they worked on construction sites to get enough money.
So we are all praying.
So we are all praying.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Krua telling Bible stories for the "Red" team
During the camp, we had 4 teams, Red, Yellow, Blue and Green. Each team did Bible story skits. Here the kids are learning the Bible story. After this we acted out the Bible stories and then each team did a skit in front of everyone else. It was fun and a great way to help them learn.
Pray that they would remember and that God would open hearts with His word.
Pray that they would remember and that God would open hearts with His word.
English/Bible camp on Ko Kaw Island
We had 72 kids show up for camp this past week. They came from Prudeow, Bang Sak and Ko Kaw Island. We have had calls already asking us, when will you be having camp next year, we want to be sure to come! Many of these kids heard the gospel clearly for the first time during this camp. Pray for them as they think about what they learned. We desire to keep in there lives as we teach English and spend time with them in different activities. Pray we can get into the lives of their mom and dad too.
Dear friends and supporters,
In the last update I mentioned that you pray for a English camp that we organized and as a team.
It was a great time and many lives were impacted. We had 72 kids and about 18 staff. The kids heard the gospel clearly a number of times and seemed to have loads of fun. We had fun learning English and doing sports activities. We had fun practicing Bible story skits and memory verses too.
Pray for these kids that they will remember what they learned and go home to tell there parents how great it was.
On Mondays we have been meeting as a small group. There are some new young people coming to this meeting. Pray as we teach them chronologically and out of other passages of the bible that their hearts would be open to God provision.
Thank you for praying for us. We see God answering them.
In Him,
Kennedy Paizs
Check out pictures of the English camp on our prayer blog.
In the last update I mentioned that you pray for a English camp that we organized and as a team.
It was a great time and many lives were impacted. We had 72 kids and about 18 staff. The kids heard the gospel clearly a number of times and seemed to have loads of fun. We had fun learning English and doing sports activities. We had fun practicing Bible story skits and memory verses too.
Pray for these kids that they will remember what they learned and go home to tell there parents how great it was.
On Mondays we have been meeting as a small group. There are some new young people coming to this meeting. Pray as we teach them chronologically and out of other passages of the bible that their hearts would be open to God provision.
Thank you for praying for us. We see God answering them.
In Him,
Kennedy Paizs
Check out pictures of the English camp on our prayer blog.
Dear Friends,
We want to thank you again for your prayers and support. We are privileged and very thankful for all that you do to keep us here on the field.
We feel your prayers these days as we serve here in Thailand. I have recovered from my sickness and in many ways it was a blessings. Our Thai co-workers took turns looking after me in the hospital while Wendy home schooled. It was a great time to spend hours talking to each one of them. I had the chance to here in detail how they came to God and what God is teaching them in their lives. They asked me to share testimonies of God's faithfulness. I got to hear their concerns about the work and saw their faith as they trust God in the issues of life that they don't have answers for.
Many people prayed for me often and I recovered quickly. In the end God used my sickness to answer prayers for unity, prayers for opportunity to love each other and prayers for good communication with Thai partners. Thank you for your prayers too. I believe God answered them and did many good things through my being sick.
There are some events that I want to share with you and ask you to pray for.
Next week we will be doing a Bible English camp on the island of Ko Kaw. 70 kids should come. I (Ken) will be the main English teacher. Our Thai partners will be doing Bible teaching 2 times a day. We will be doing memory verses and Bible skits too . Sports and games will be part of the program too.
Pray for God to give us stamina. Pray that the hearts of these kids would be open and changed as the gospel is shared. Pray for the parents of kids. Pray we do not have any accidents. Pray we will have a blast and that the kids would go away blessed and touched by God. That they would be convicted of sin and turn to the resurrected Christ.
The next activity I would like you to pray our time with people. On Mondays we are spending the whole day at peoples homes in the village of Taptawan. The Taptawan people are mostly Sea Gypsies and other ethnic groups of people from the Eastern Thailand. Many of them work each day to eat and get by. Pray that we would have wisdom as we talk and build relationships. Americans are far from the Molken(Sea Gypsies) and Esan people that live in Taptawan. Pray for openness. Pray that as we talk we would take risk and bring up hard subjects, like: Why are we here? Where did the world come from? How come every one dies? Is there a God? What is sin? Is there a heaven? What is a spirit? What does the Bible say about spirits? Who is Jesus?
Most of these people are into spirit worship and are Buddhist in a nominal way. Some of them are deep into witchcraft. Pray for us as we enter into spiritual warfare. We have spent a month praying every day, walking around this village asking God to open hearts. Now we are going out by faith looking for the people He has called out. Please keep praying for us as we pursue these people.
In the future we look to do church planting in Thakua Pa. It is the county seat of the this province. It is the most populated city near us. I believe God wants us to move there with in the next 3 years and start to seek out people of peace and see small bible studies started there. In the mean time, we need to take a year, or many months to saturate this area with prayer and make relationships. We will be going out on the 31st to prayer walk every morning at the Buddhist temple and the main neighborhood of this city. Pray that we would be disciplined to keep praying and talking to people when we go out.
This is a dark place and it is like an epicenter of Satanic activity in this area. I have seen many hundreds of people being controlled by spirits in this town. Pray for us as we enter spiritual ware fare in Thakua Pa.
Lastly. On Mondays and Fridays we are meeting and worshiping and doing Bible study. We meet in Chan's house in Taptawan on Monday night and we meet in different people's home on Friday night. This is what I want to ask you to pray for. That Jesus, the Holy Spirit would be the MC of these meetings. We want to follow Gods leading and moving in these times. We don't want to try and control Gods agenda, but want to follow Him. Many time the temptation is to organize and invite God to come and join us. It is my desire to come and listen and seek God's face. Pray as I back off and don't "lead" as the missionary, that others would have freedom to use there gifts and be led by the Spirit to share from the word and give testimony of God goodness.
Please pray for us as a family too. Pray we invest in our kids. Invest in each other as a couple. Walk in the Spirit every day every moment. That we would not get discouraged, but have a great joy, peace and rest as we are part of God's plan for Southern Thailand to see them be part of His Church.
We covet your prayers and believe they are vital to see these activities bear eternal fruit. You are very much a part of this work.
Look forward to seeing many of you when we are in the states from Sept 2008 to Mar 2009.
In Him,
We want to thank you again for your prayers and support. We are privileged and very thankful for all that you do to keep us here on the field.
We feel your prayers these days as we serve here in Thailand. I have recovered from my sickness and in many ways it was a blessings. Our Thai co-workers took turns looking after me in the hospital while Wendy home schooled. It was a great time to spend hours talking to each one of them. I had the chance to here in detail how they came to God and what God is teaching them in their lives. They asked me to share testimonies of God's faithfulness. I got to hear their concerns about the work and saw their faith as they trust God in the issues of life that they don't have answers for.
Many people prayed for me often and I recovered quickly. In the end God used my sickness to answer prayers for unity, prayers for opportunity to love each other and prayers for good communication with Thai partners. Thank you for your prayers too. I believe God answered them and did many good things through my being sick.
There are some events that I want to share with you and ask you to pray for.
Next week we will be doing a Bible English camp on the island of Ko Kaw. 70 kids should come. I (Ken) will be the main English teacher. Our Thai partners will be doing Bible teaching 2 times a day. We will be doing memory verses and Bible skits too . Sports and games will be part of the program too.
Pray for God to give us stamina. Pray that the hearts of these kids would be open and changed as the gospel is shared. Pray for the parents of kids. Pray we do not have any accidents. Pray we will have a blast and that the kids would go away blessed and touched by God. That they would be convicted of sin and turn to the resurrected Christ.
The next activity I would like you to pray our time with people. On Mondays we are spending the whole day at peoples homes in the village of Taptawan. The Taptawan people are mostly Sea Gypsies and other ethnic groups of people from the Eastern Thailand. Many of them work each day to eat and get by. Pray that we would have wisdom as we talk and build relationships. Americans are far from the Molken(Sea Gypsies) and Esan people that live in Taptawan. Pray for openness. Pray that as we talk we would take risk and bring up hard subjects, like: Why are we here? Where did the world come from? How come every one dies? Is there a God? What is sin? Is there a heaven? What is a spirit? What does the Bible say about spirits? Who is Jesus?
Most of these people are into spirit worship and are Buddhist in a nominal way. Some of them are deep into witchcraft. Pray for us as we enter into spiritual warfare. We have spent a month praying every day, walking around this village asking God to open hearts. Now we are going out by faith looking for the people He has called out. Please keep praying for us as we pursue these people.
In the future we look to do church planting in Thakua Pa. It is the county seat of the this province. It is the most populated city near us. I believe God wants us to move there with in the next 3 years and start to seek out people of peace and see small bible studies started there. In the mean time, we need to take a year, or many months to saturate this area with prayer and make relationships. We will be going out on the 31st to prayer walk every morning at the Buddhist temple and the main neighborhood of this city. Pray that we would be disciplined to keep praying and talking to people when we go out.
This is a dark place and it is like an epicenter of Satanic activity in this area. I have seen many hundreds of people being controlled by spirits in this town. Pray for us as we enter spiritual ware fare in Thakua Pa.
Lastly. On Mondays and Fridays we are meeting and worshiping and doing Bible study. We meet in Chan's house in Taptawan on Monday night and we meet in different people's home on Friday night. This is what I want to ask you to pray for. That Jesus, the Holy Spirit would be the MC of these meetings. We want to follow Gods leading and moving in these times. We don't want to try and control Gods agenda, but want to follow Him. Many time the temptation is to organize and invite God to come and join us. It is my desire to come and listen and seek God's face. Pray as I back off and don't "lead" as the missionary, that others would have freedom to use there gifts and be led by the Spirit to share from the word and give testimony of God goodness.
Please pray for us as a family too. Pray we invest in our kids. Invest in each other as a couple. Walk in the Spirit every day every moment. That we would not get discouraged, but have a great joy, peace and rest as we are part of God's plan for Southern Thailand to see them be part of His Church.
We covet your prayers and believe they are vital to see these activities bear eternal fruit. You are very much a part of this work.
Look forward to seeing many of you when we are in the states from Sept 2008 to Mar 2009.
In Him,
Monday, March 31, 2008
Tanom & Chan
Jonathan Training
Kennedy, Tanom, Chan and Khrua all went up to Chiang Rai, Thailand's border city with Burma, to do Jonathan Training, a Church Multiplication week-long workshop for church planters. They really enjoyed the other attendees from all over Thailand. They said the weather was freezing cold. (For them, maybe, but comfortable for us westerners!)
There was lots of homework and everyone learned alot. Chan found it exciting that he was a tent-maker kind of church-planter.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
- One of the new believing families has been feeling jealous of the attention that another new believing family is receiving and has stopped coming to church or cell groups.
- The owner of the center is giving us trouble; his relatives are putting pressure on him to break the 20-year contract on the center he has with us and make it into a motel to make more money. (He is doing fine financially.)
- Kennedy is in the hospital, tonight will be the third night, and the doctors have been unable to make a diagnosis. Sometime in-between hospital trips we had $130 dollars stolen from us.
- The missionaries who have been coming to learn Thai from our partners are leaving, meaning 3 of our Thai partners have a drastic income loss.
We sure appreciate your prayers!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jonathan Training/Church Multiplication
"Church Planting Movements" is the main text for the OMF Jonathan training that Kennedy, Tanom, Khrua and Chan are attending this week in the Northern Thai area of Chiang Rai (near the Burmese border.) They will be there all week, learning about teaching the Bible chronologically, house churches, lay leaders, principles of rapid church multiplication...all in Thai. This is the same training Kennedy and I went to last year for 2 1/2 weeks. This one is for Thais and will be shorter. It is very exciting that we will be able to talk about these church multiplication principles with greater understanding as a team now.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Chan Moves Into Thap Thawaan
Black piglets run all around the roads where Chan has moved into a bamboo/cement 2-story house in the Sea-Gypsy village. He arrived back here 2 days ago from going to his home in Eastern Thailand to get his motorcycle and household goods. At the next term break his wife and children will take the bus here. The next step is for Kennedy to take him to buy the supplies he will need for his electrical repair shop. He will open it right at Dean's Center, a great location for business. His house will be in the village, though, and that is where he will open a cell group Bible study.
So here we go, embarking on the first step of seeing self-sufficient, bi-vocational Thai church planters.
What is needed the most?
So here we go, embarking on the first step of seeing self-sufficient, bi-vocational Thai church planters.
What is needed the most?
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