Saturday, May 31, 2008

Friday night Cell Group

Here is a typical scene from one of our Friday night cell group dinners. We eat on the floor, Thai-style, of course.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Thai Amulets

Originally uploaded by oceanicthai
These amulets are finally waning in their huge popularity.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Retreat in Kura Buri May 2008

Our team's Prayer and Planning Retreat in Kuraburi, about 45 minutes from here. This was having a meal at our resort.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Small Groups: We are doing small group meetings on Monday and Friday and meeting at the center on Sunday. These meetings are going slow. It seems that the folks interested have decided not to be interested anymore. Pray that God would work in their hearts and that we would continue to visit and talk to them. Some of them avoid us and have expectations that we can not fulfill that are just wrong. Pray we will be loving and patient with people who misunderstand because of Satan, or have bad motives for wanting to spend time with us.

Witnessing: Pray for the people we see on a weekly and daily basis in the community. We are talking, giving tracts and trying to love them. Pray they will open up to Christ and believe as we look for culturally appropriately ways to share our words and lives with them. Monday is the day we go out all day and look for people to talk to about Christ and foster relationships and pray for people. Pray that we would be bold with the Gospel.

Worshiping together at the Prayer and Planing retreat for our team.

Prayer and Planning retreat: These last few weeks we have been thinking through the future more carefully as a team. We took some time to remove ourselves from the daily work to pray and plan for 2 and a half days. It was a great time of seeking God and talking about what we would like to see happen in this area. We reestablished goals and reviewed our values. It was a great time to see what every one was thinking and to lay everything out on the table and see personal ministry goals and progress. In the end it was very encouraging to see unity and the unified vision and mission of our team. We ended up spontaneously sharing what we appreciated about each other. This was a real blessing because no one was asking, God made it a very special time for our team. In closing of our time we did the Lords super together and this was very special to me personally.