Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Please be praying about this effort to help Thai ministry leaders support themselves. When we come back from our next ministry assignment in the states we will be looking for a facility to rent and people interested in coming and doing this program. We believe it is a very important part of seeing churches multiply in Thailand.

Work-Study/Church Multiplication Program Proposal Draft
A proposal by Kennedy and Wendy Paizs
Bang Sak, Phang-Nga

Submitted to OMF Thailand for Approval and Facilitation
August 18, 2008

Goal: To create a church multiplication work-study program for Southern Thailand using a bi-vocational / holistic framework. Selected trainees learn Christian living, church-planting and business by apprenticeship in order to become a self-supporting church planter.

Rationale: Lack of finances hinder many Thai Christians from involvement in multiplying indigenous biblical churches in Thailand. This program seeks to remove this obstacle and release the potential of enterprising Thai Christians.

3 Main Areas Of Program
There are 3 main areas of focus in this program. 1. Church Multiplication Education 2. Spiritual Life Development 3. Business training for Self-Support (financially)

Church Multiplication. Church multiplication is the ultimate goal. The approach is one of “IBCM” with an emphasis on small groups as the key to evangelism. Meetings are held in homes and places of business for chronological study of the Bible and personal witness. Cell groups become effective means of worship and Bible study. These Bible studies would be geared to the participants needs.

Spiritual Life Development. A core value of the training is a focus on the spiritual life of the trainee. We will build character through assignments in different functions church work as well as participating in a one on one discipleship relationship. Christian leadership development will also be included.

Business Training. Business as mission training integrates evangelism and Christian living into the activity of earning a living. A spiritual leader can work to earn a living and be vitally involved with the community. Good business is a form of holistic witness. Intentional witness through business is a church planting methodology.

Components Of The Program

Trainee Applicants: A simple application process for young adult Thai single and married couples who have a heart for missions and to be self-supporting. Ideally, they should come with a church recommendation and basic skills needed for business. Trainees will have to pay a fee to enter the program. (not sure how much) At the conclusion of the training year, trainees are released without obligation. (Promising trainees might be invited to collaborate in an ACT sponsored strategy for Southern Thailand)

Integrated curriculum: The curriculum is apprentice based. Meaning we would have no “campus” (classrooms) but instead be training-based, a “learn as you work” type of training. Some seminars, such as the Jonathan training) will be used during the training time. These will special times of learning and retreat from the regular program, but they will not be the main focus. The time frame would be approximately one year. The training program does not guarantee work. It imparts skills. Graduates from the program are expected to begin church planting on their own.

Staff: This will be the main area of subsidy. There will be a limited number of staff because of this.

Staff Functions
We see 5 main roles. One person could cover more than one role.

Program Coordinator: Would be overall leader and coordinator.
Spiritual Life Supervisor: Discipleship, accountability and leadership training.
Church Planting Methods Supervisor: Use of small groups and methods of evangelism and community contacts. Prayer network, strategies and other components of IBCM that need to be addressed.
Business Supervisor: Oversee the training of business in creative, practical ways. This person will take people by the hand and get them started, then be a consultant and troubleshooter later on.
Practical Living Supervisor: Logistics for living, food, housing and supply organization.

General Oversight Committee:
Purpose: To serve as a governance body for this program. It will determine administrative policy for staff, admissions, budgets, problem solving and discipline.
Composition: Three to five persons independent of the program plus, the program coordinator and one other staff member.

Sponsorship: TEAM missionary support. Church sponsorship (West and East) OMF Thailand sponsorship via participating members or general conference decisions.
Mechanism: OMF Thailand to open an account for this program so funding may be received and distributed via an official channel. The General Oversight Committee would have responsibility for the management of this fund.